Monday, August 31, 2009

Filtered vision

Wonder why everyone that one interacts with wears blinkers at most times. Every word that is uttered, every move made is critically viewed and evaluated for what it could be conveying or camoflauging rather than what it simply is.

Possible reasons?

Guess it has to do with perception of risk to self or to ones business; simple mistrust of others other than self borne out of past memories especially when one actually got hoodwinked and at a deeper level the desire to prevail always - to prove that one can do no wrong, that one is right while others are trying to be smart.

The world could be so much simpler to deal with if we could just let go and allow unbridled freeflow of thought and feeling to dominate our interactions - even with business colleagues.

It would ensure faster decision making, better bonhomie and a feeling of mutual respect, making even small accomplishments seem nice.

And yes, there could actually be a smart alec lurking somewhere trying to hoodwink. But 9 times out of 10, the universe would take care of it.

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