Saturday, June 6, 2009

Giver of all thingz good, bad and ugly

Forever, we have believed that the giver of all thingz good is God himself. Then who is it that gives us the bad, the ugly and the terrible ?Guess, the anwser lies buried deep somewhere in the mind that often tricks us into seeing ourselves as targeted victims or as objects being tested by GOD.
What we tend to loose in such times, is not the material or social wealth that we may have garnered but faith, patience and strength in our own belief about the supremacy of the ultimate power.
It is the mind that exaggerates the importance of such material and physical wealth and overhypes our body reaction to its perceived loss or erosion. In effect, it tends to overwrite our innate faith that whatever God wills, is for our benefit. The giver of all things bad and ugly is therefore not the unfortunate circumstance or the scheming individual but the mind that gives it more importance than it deserves!
I have over the years developed a way to psyche myself into believing that I have everything in plenty - money, recognition, love, success, everything..In situations which give me less than expected or take away something unexpectedly, i tend not to worry for i believe that more good will come to me, because it belongs to me and because the Giver of all things good is always with me.

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